Friday, March 23, 2012

Oh Auditions, how I've forgotten you

It's been a long time since I have auditioned for anything. In fact...the last time was almost two years ago (right after I graduated college) when I jumped right into the shark tank and auditioned to be in the Denver Center of Performing Arts company. I should have known it was too soon for such a huge leap.

I signed up to audition for a performance of Godspell, at the Cadlelight Playhouse in Loveland, just a few days ago. The audition is on another couple of days. I am terrified out of my wits and yet, I am excited. It has been so long since I've done any Theatre and I miss it so very much. I don't know if I'll make this show or not but no worries. I am working on an only slightly secret theatre-like project involving Shakespeare that I'll have to keep me happy this summer. If I do make it into Godspell, I'll have my hands full trying to do this project as well but I am committed. It is a role I have always wanted to play and seeing as no one around is doing the play...I am going to put it on myself. I know...I'm probably a bit insane for wanting to take this on.

Just to give you an idea about how excited I am about this project, I should tell you a few things. One, I have already worked out a plan for how things will be run (audition wise and what not), I have already pretty much memorized all of my lines, I've made a blog/youtube for the recorded version since this will be the first in hopefully many performances to come, and I've designed a poster for the play. If my plans fall through...I will be a very sad person indeed. Of course, I will pick myself up and try another route (kickstarter) within a few minutes of my failure. The show MUST go on...for my sake and for my sanity's sake.

This will, hopefully, be a fun and theatre filled spring/summer. I guess I should get back to memorizing my audition monologue now (it would help if I didn't keep changing my mind about which monologue I wanted to do). Talk to ya later nerds!


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