Friday, September 24, 2010
Castle is back baby!

A couple of nights ago, despite the late hour (1:00am), I stayed up to watch Castle because I saw it on Hulu and just had to watch it. I mean, what could be more awesome than a witty writer who helps solve crimes and never fails to slip a joke or two into his dialogue (Other than maybe an extremely hot white collar criminal who helps the FBI solve other white collar crime cases and has most beautiful deep blue eyes I have ever seen)?!

It's not just the wit and joy of Castle that I'm excited about either. I have a huge long list of shows that I must watch each week and now that fall has come...that list is longer. Thank goodness LOST, Heroes, Legend of the Seeker, and Flash Forward are all over because I don't think I could handle any more right now. So, the following is a list of shows that I currently watch (or was just watching since USA has stopped the episodes of three of my shows until winter...curse them).
Chuck (duh, who doesn't watch Chuck)
Glee (I think most self respecting nerds watch this show religiously)
The mentalist (just started this one actually so I'm trying to find all the old seasons online somewhere)
Supernatural (I have never allowed myself to fall of the Supernatural wagon since the first episode I saw "Bloody Mary" in season one...I love this show)
Dancing with the Stars
White Collar (if you didn't gather that from the picture above)
Burn Notice
Justified (which is on FX but also doesn't start until winter)
and I am sure there are many many more that I am simply forgetting about at this time.
The funny thing is, I don't actually watch TV anymore. What I don't find on the station's main sites, I watch on Hulu. You may ask, what about reality TV (other than Dancing with the stars of course but I don't consider that reality television, it's more of a competition type show)? Well, I don't actually care for it much. No, I watch YouTube videos instead and seeing as my DVD player doesn't work with my TV...I get all my entertainment right here at my computer (unless I'm reading a good book, then I'm usually crunched in a corner on my bed with my legs stretching up the wall and my blood rushing to my head while I struggle to stop reading so I can actually let my back have a break).
This is going to be an exciting fall. There are a few shows I am thinking of watching too but I need opinions. The show The Event feels a little too over used now. To me it seems like a mix of Flash Forward (which was an awesome show), LOST (Another awesome show), and every disaster movie known to man...and maybe a little 24 thrown in there too. I don't know, I love the guy who created it and all but...I don't know. I also loved LOST and ALIAS and this new J. J. Abrams show, UnderCovers (at least judging from the first episode) is a little sub par. I don't know. I need your help. Aside from the shows I already watch, what shows are you watching? Which ones are worth my time? Which ones are okay? Which ones are horrible? Leave comments, lots of comments. :)
Alright, enough of my blabbing, time to go do something constructive (and by something constructive I mean watch my daily dose of CTFxC and Wheezy Waiter and every other YouTube channel I just had to subscribe to). Peace out nerdies!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Happy Hobbit Day!
Happy birthday my dearest Frodo and Bilbo Baggins. I wore my ring around all day (lie) and spoke elvish to everyone (shameless lie) just for you.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Whenever I am sad or bored...I turn to MoM
I think that once you hit that point where you listen to Wrock more than any other type of've become AWESOME!
I've just been sitting here on my computer, watching youtube videos, working on my book, and replaying Luke Conard's music video for his new Ministry of Magic song, "This Town." I tend to do that, replay things over and over, when I come across something I really like. I really like Wizard Rock.
I love Ministry of Magic the most, out of all Wrock groups, because not only do I love their style and the fact that their music has so much meaning to it, but they were also the first Wizard Rock band I came across. I was obsessed with ALL CAPS (Luke's nerd band with Kristina Horner, a member of The Parselmouths) first and that lead me to MoM. Now...I'm hooked.
I still listen to other music I love like One Republic, Justin Bieber (what are you gonna do about it huh?), etc.; but, out of all that music I own, I listen to MoM more. In fact the only music on my MP3 player right now (aside from a couple of Michael Buble songs, some ALL CAPS, and the soundtrack for How to Train Your Dragon) happens to be all the songs from Ministry of Magic and the song "Open at the Close" by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls.
I know what you are thinking: "Man this freak is strange, I'm a gonna unfollows rights now." Well, first of all, you think in horrible grammar and, second of all, how was it you were following me in the first place? I've been open about my strange habits and nerdiness from the start. Well, follower's who thought the above, I have a different view of things. Sure, listening to Wrock brings you to a new level of Harry Potter nerd, but it is a good level. Wizard Rock has something to offer that's a little more rare in today's music world (with a few exceptions of course) means something.
Part of the reason I studied English, and part of the reason I am a writer, is because literature and other artistic mediums have a lot to offer. There are lessons for us about life and how it works woven into the pages of many many novels, Harry Potter just happens to be one of them. I would go into a huge long explanation of Joseph Campbell's Hero With a Thousand Faces and his study of the heroe's journey...but I'm lazy. Suffice it to say, there is a certain pattern to the journey that every hero goes through in stories from mythology as well as those written and lived today. The best example of the concept is, believe it or not, the Star Wars franchise (especially Luke's journey). George Lucas was a student of Joseph Campbell's and when he was challenged to write a story that followed the steps of the hero's journey perfectly, Star Wars was born.
Many other stories have taken this journey and Harry Potter does it just as well as Star Wars (which is why the two are so easy to compare).

So, because Harry Potter follows the journey, it has a lot to teach us about maturing and finding ourselves along with many other important messages about friendship, loyalty, power, responsibility, the list goes on and on (seriously it does, there are a lot of things to learn from those books).
This brings us back to the subject I started with, Wizard Rock. The best thing about Wrock is that the artists take those lessons that Harry Potter has to offer and puts them into a form that is easier to understand and easier to THAT is why Wizard Rock is amazing and THAT is why listening to it more than most other music out there makes you awesome...sorry... AWESOME!
So, in an effort to promote AWESOMEness, here is the song for you all to listen too. He did a pretty good job with the video too. He got that new Cannon 7d that I want so horribly bad (and yes that does work grammatically). This new song will be on the 4th Ministry of Magic album. Be excited!
Song: "This Town"
Artist: Ministry of Magic (duh, weren't you reading anything up there?)
Peace out nerdies!
I've just been sitting here on my computer, watching youtube videos, working on my book, and replaying Luke Conard's music video for his new Ministry of Magic song, "This Town." I tend to do that, replay things over and over, when I come across something I really like. I really like Wizard Rock.
I love Ministry of Magic the most, out of all Wrock groups, because not only do I love their style and the fact that their music has so much meaning to it, but they were also the first Wizard Rock band I came across. I was obsessed with ALL CAPS (Luke's nerd band with Kristina Horner, a member of The Parselmouths) first and that lead me to MoM. Now...I'm hooked.
I still listen to other music I love like One Republic, Justin Bieber (what are you gonna do about it huh?), etc.; but, out of all that music I own, I listen to MoM more. In fact the only music on my MP3 player right now (aside from a couple of Michael Buble songs, some ALL CAPS, and the soundtrack for How to Train Your Dragon) happens to be all the songs from Ministry of Magic and the song "Open at the Close" by Oliver Boyd and the Remembralls.
I know what you are thinking: "Man this freak is strange, I'm a gonna unfollows rights now." Well, first of all, you think in horrible grammar and, second of all, how was it you were following me in the first place? I've been open about my strange habits and nerdiness from the start. Well, follower's who thought the above, I have a different view of things. Sure, listening to Wrock brings you to a new level of Harry Potter nerd, but it is a good level. Wizard Rock has something to offer that's a little more rare in today's music world (with a few exceptions of course) means something.

Many other stories have taken this journey and Harry Potter does it just as well as Star Wars (which is why the two are so easy to compare).

So, because Harry Potter follows the journey, it has a lot to teach us about maturing and finding ourselves along with many other important messages about friendship, loyalty, power, responsibility, the list goes on and on (seriously it does, there are a lot of things to learn from those books).
This brings us back to the subject I started with, Wizard Rock. The best thing about Wrock is that the artists take those lessons that Harry Potter has to offer and puts them into a form that is easier to understand and easier to THAT is why Wizard Rock is amazing and THAT is why listening to it more than most other music out there makes you awesome...sorry... AWESOME!
So, in an effort to promote AWESOMEness, here is the song for you all to listen too. He did a pretty good job with the video too. He got that new Cannon 7d that I want so horribly bad (and yes that does work grammatically). This new song will be on the 4th Ministry of Magic album. Be excited!
Song: "This Town"
Artist: Ministry of Magic (duh, weren't you reading anything up there?)
Peace out nerdies!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Sad news Sunday
I wasn't going to post today but then I remembered that I mentioned my sick bird (Kiko) in my first post on this blog. Well I am afraid that, just a few days ago, Kiko passed away in his sleep. I am going to miss him a lot as he has been with me for almost ten years now.
I don't want to make this a long post, since it's not really in tune with most of my other posts, but I just thought I should let people know in case there was anyone who cared.
Here is some video of Kiko just two days before he left me. I'm trying to go back and find footage of him when he wasn't sick but I am sad because I think I lost it.
Some day I will get birds again, but for now I want to just keep Kiko in my heart. I'm just glad he's finally able to join Sydney, he was never the same after she died two years ago. I love you Kiko.
Thanks for being my friends. :)
P.S. Here is some footage I found of him from a couple of years ago just a month after Sydney passed away (I'm still holding out hope I can find footage of them together).
And here is a photo I took of him a long time ago. I made everything black and white but him because it was kind of hard to see him in the original picture.
I don't want to make this a long post, since it's not really in tune with most of my other posts, but I just thought I should let people know in case there was anyone who cared.
Here is some video of Kiko just two days before he left me. I'm trying to go back and find footage of him when he wasn't sick but I am sad because I think I lost it.
Some day I will get birds again, but for now I want to just keep Kiko in my heart. I'm just glad he's finally able to join Sydney, he was never the same after she died two years ago. I love you Kiko.
Thanks for being my friends. :)
P.S. Here is some footage I found of him from a couple of years ago just a month after Sydney passed away (I'm still holding out hope I can find footage of them together).
And here is a photo I took of him a long time ago. I made everything black and white but him because it was kind of hard to see him in the original picture.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World
Yeah, I know I already posted yesterday, but I just had to mention this.
So today I got to see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and lets just say that it's the perfect blend of nerdiness, comedy, and art. It's very different from any movie I've ever seen. It is extremely funny and it is also so nerdy it's completely awesome. The way I'd describe it is a sort of live version of a comic strip/video game.'s THAT awesome.
And may I note, randomly, that I find it entirely awesome that the guy who plays Todd Ingram is the same guy who is Daniel Shaw in CHUCK (nerd alert) and Superman in Superman Returns. I mean, I love that Chris Evans was in it and everything (I love Chris Evans), it's just that I found it extremely hilarious that Brandon Routh was in that role (and he did a great job too).
Anyway, just thought I'd mention it because it's jumped up pretty high on my favorite movies list (there are a lot of movies on my favorite movie list). Here's a trailer just for fun.
Peace out nerdies!
So today I got to see Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World and lets just say that it's the perfect blend of nerdiness, comedy, and art. It's very different from any movie I've ever seen. It is extremely funny and it is also so nerdy it's completely awesome. The way I'd describe it is a sort of live version of a comic strip/video game.'s THAT awesome.
And may I note, randomly, that I find it entirely awesome that the guy who plays Todd Ingram is the same guy who is Daniel Shaw in CHUCK (nerd alert) and Superman in Superman Returns. I mean, I love that Chris Evans was in it and everything (I love Chris Evans), it's just that I found it extremely hilarious that Brandon Routh was in that role (and he did a great job too).
Anyway, just thought I'd mention it because it's jumped up pretty high on my favorite movies list (there are a lot of movies on my favorite movie list). Here's a trailer just for fun.
Peace out nerdies!
Friday, September 17, 2010
Greetings Nerds
So my best friend is going to be holding a photo contest on her used bookstore blog (you can find it here) at some point in the future and she has asked me to design some shirts, for my shop, that she might pick from for the prize. Of course this works out for both of us as I get to create some new, awesome, nerdy merch and she gets to snag an awesome prize for a little less than it would cost to get a snorg tee or what not.
There is nothing more exciting for me than having the chance to design something that is book themed (except for maybe designing something movie themed, YouTube themed, Pokemon themed, etc.) so I am going to let you guys in on the process of this new project. The idea is that I am going to create a series of these shirts that sort of symbolize some of people's favorite books.
So, what I need from people, are lists of their favorite books. They can be new, they can be classics, whatever you want but please don't suggest any inappropriate books. I will only choose a few of the suggestions.
So far I've chosen to do Harry Potter (of course), Twilight (unavoidable), Jane Austen (basically all her books will fit into the one design anyway), Percy Jackson (oooooooooooooooof course), and possibly some Shakespeare. I already have some Hunger Games shirts but I am also thinking of doing one for that as well or one for each of the books (since they each have different themes, in a way).
So, that is my list so far. I will be adding to it, in my mind, each time I think of something but it would help to get some suggestions from the internet world.
What are some of your favorite books/book series? Please comment below if you have one that you would love to see a shirt design for. I won't tell you exactly what this series of shirts is going to look like just yet, but know that it will be awesome because I am excited. Now, that's enough writing for the day. I am going to go and play some Mario Cart with my brother and sister so...peace out nerdies!
There is nothing more exciting for me than having the chance to design something that is book themed (except for maybe designing something movie themed, YouTube themed, Pokemon themed, etc.) so I am going to let you guys in on the process of this new project. The idea is that I am going to create a series of these shirts that sort of symbolize some of people's favorite books.
So, what I need from people, are lists of their favorite books. They can be new, they can be classics, whatever you want but please don't suggest any inappropriate books. I will only choose a few of the suggestions.
So far I've chosen to do Harry Potter (of course), Twilight (unavoidable), Jane Austen (basically all her books will fit into the one design anyway), Percy Jackson (oooooooooooooooof course), and possibly some Shakespeare. I already have some Hunger Games shirts but I am also thinking of doing one for that as well or one for each of the books (since they each have different themes, in a way).
So, that is my list so far. I will be adding to it, in my mind, each time I think of something but it would help to get some suggestions from the internet world.
What are some of your favorite books/book series? Please comment below if you have one that you would love to see a shirt design for. I won't tell you exactly what this series of shirts is going to look like just yet, but know that it will be awesome because I am excited. Now, that's enough writing for the day. I am going to go and play some Mario Cart with my brother and sister so...peace out nerdies!

Sunday, September 12, 2010
Hello world
Oh dear...I sound like Dan Brown. I have got to stop spending so much time on YouTube. Well, that's the life of an undercover nerd isn't it.
To start off, I just want to introduce myself. My name is Breanna and I am an aspiring author and youtuber. I am basically busy every day writing blogs and articles, working on my book, making youtube videos, and creating t-shirts, all the while making pretty much no money at all.
I am 22 and I live in my parents basement with a computer full of videos and stories, a bookshelf overloaded with Young Adult fiction, several drawers full of action movies, a bird cage that currently houses a sick little finch (Kiko, he seems to be doing better today, but seeing as I have to keep him warm with a room is boiling hot right now), a fish tank with three wonderful goldfish (two of them named after book characters), a bazillion stuffed animals, pokemon cards, and a bunch of useless junk that I refuse to get rid of. I am hoping to publish soon (or suddenly get a ton of subscriers on YouTube, which will be hard since I have like six separate channels floating around out there) so I can get out of the basement and move me and all my useless junk into an apartment.
I dream of getting a German shepherd and naming her Zoey (I did choose that name long before I became a CTFxCer) just so that I can call her Z in the same way that they say it in Charlie the Unicorn 2.
I have, on more than one occasion, taken video of a double rainbow and I have also recorded many of the crazy antics of my two cats.
I love Shakespeare and several Japanese anime shows like Avatar the Last Aribender (and Vampire Knight, that show has the drama of Twilight and a soap opera mixed together in almost every episode).
I spend a lot of time on YouTube (as I mentioned before) and I participate in writing role plays for The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness on The Clan.
I also wrote my own version of Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince before the book came out in which I included an American exchange student.
I listen to wizard rock and nerd bands like ALL CAPS.
When I'm not writing, reading, filming, watching movies, or catching up on my shows (Psych, White Collar, Burn Notice, Castle--duh, he's a writer which makes it ten times as awesome that he solves crime--, Chuck, Justified, etc. etc.), I am playing around with my finicky graphics tablet. Lately I have been creating a lot of t-shirts on zazzle for this blog and for other blogs and books. I've sold quite a few Hunger Games inspired shirts lately, my favorite one being the most popular (yay!) :D Zazzle is basically my only income since I don't get much from writing for (I've made a total of about $8 as an examiner this entire summer...I am no good at getting people to read my articles).
So that's me. A penniless starving artist sitting in a boiling hot basement room at her computer (with a bowl of popcorn and Justin Bieber, Taio Cruz, One Republic, and Ministry of Magic in her headphones) watching YouTube videos/blogging about things that don't really even matter to most of the world. This should be a lot of fun. Want to join me? Cool.
Lets be friends.
To start off, I just want to introduce myself. My name is Breanna and I am an aspiring author and youtuber. I am basically busy every day writing blogs and articles, working on my book, making youtube videos, and creating t-shirts, all the while making pretty much no money at all.
I am 22 and I live in my parents basement with a computer full of videos and stories, a bookshelf overloaded with Young Adult fiction, several drawers full of action movies, a bird cage that currently houses a sick little finch (Kiko, he seems to be doing better today, but seeing as I have to keep him warm with a room is boiling hot right now), a fish tank with three wonderful goldfish (two of them named after book characters), a bazillion stuffed animals, pokemon cards, and a bunch of useless junk that I refuse to get rid of. I am hoping to publish soon (or suddenly get a ton of subscriers on YouTube, which will be hard since I have like six separate channels floating around out there) so I can get out of the basement and move me and all my useless junk into an apartment.
I dream of getting a German shepherd and naming her Zoey (I did choose that name long before I became a CTFxCer) just so that I can call her Z in the same way that they say it in Charlie the Unicorn 2.
I have, on more than one occasion, taken video of a double rainbow and I have also recorded many of the crazy antics of my two cats.
I love Shakespeare and several Japanese anime shows like Avatar the Last Aribender (and Vampire Knight, that show has the drama of Twilight and a soap opera mixed together in almost every episode).
I spend a lot of time on YouTube (as I mentioned before) and I participate in writing role plays for The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness on The Clan.
I also wrote my own version of Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince before the book came out in which I included an American exchange student.
I listen to wizard rock and nerd bands like ALL CAPS.
When I'm not writing, reading, filming, watching movies, or catching up on my shows (Psych, White Collar, Burn Notice, Castle--duh, he's a writer which makes it ten times as awesome that he solves crime--, Chuck, Justified, etc. etc.), I am playing around with my finicky graphics tablet. Lately I have been creating a lot of t-shirts on zazzle for this blog and for other blogs and books. I've sold quite a few Hunger Games inspired shirts lately, my favorite one being the most popular (yay!) :D Zazzle is basically my only income since I don't get much from writing for (I've made a total of about $8 as an examiner this entire summer...I am no good at getting people to read my articles).
So that's me. A penniless starving artist sitting in a boiling hot basement room at her computer (with a bowl of popcorn and Justin Bieber, Taio Cruz, One Republic, and Ministry of Magic in her headphones) watching YouTube videos/blogging about things that don't really even matter to most of the world. This should be a lot of fun. Want to join me? Cool.
Lets be friends.
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About Me
- Breanna
- I love to write and make movies, that is what I want to spend all day, every day, doing for the rest of my life
Hi, I'm a bit of a nerd, are you? Good. Lets be friends.
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Tweet about this blog to your other nerd friends and check out my youtube!

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