Friday, September 24, 2010
Castle is back baby!

A couple of nights ago, despite the late hour (1:00am), I stayed up to watch Castle because I saw it on Hulu and just had to watch it. I mean, what could be more awesome than a witty writer who helps solve crimes and never fails to slip a joke or two into his dialogue (Other than maybe an extremely hot white collar criminal who helps the FBI solve other white collar crime cases and has most beautiful deep blue eyes I have ever seen)?!

It's not just the wit and joy of Castle that I'm excited about either. I have a huge long list of shows that I must watch each week and now that fall has come...that list is longer. Thank goodness LOST, Heroes, Legend of the Seeker, and Flash Forward are all over because I don't think I could handle any more right now. So, the following is a list of shows that I currently watch (or was just watching since USA has stopped the episodes of three of my shows until winter...curse them).
Chuck (duh, who doesn't watch Chuck)
Glee (I think most self respecting nerds watch this show religiously)
The mentalist (just started this one actually so I'm trying to find all the old seasons online somewhere)
Supernatural (I have never allowed myself to fall of the Supernatural wagon since the first episode I saw "Bloody Mary" in season one...I love this show)
Dancing with the Stars
White Collar (if you didn't gather that from the picture above)
Burn Notice
Justified (which is on FX but also doesn't start until winter)
and I am sure there are many many more that I am simply forgetting about at this time.
The funny thing is, I don't actually watch TV anymore. What I don't find on the station's main sites, I watch on Hulu. You may ask, what about reality TV (other than Dancing with the stars of course but I don't consider that reality television, it's more of a competition type show)? Well, I don't actually care for it much. No, I watch YouTube videos instead and seeing as my DVD player doesn't work with my TV...I get all my entertainment right here at my computer (unless I'm reading a good book, then I'm usually crunched in a corner on my bed with my legs stretching up the wall and my blood rushing to my head while I struggle to stop reading so I can actually let my back have a break).
This is going to be an exciting fall. There are a few shows I am thinking of watching too but I need opinions. The show The Event feels a little too over used now. To me it seems like a mix of Flash Forward (which was an awesome show), LOST (Another awesome show), and every disaster movie known to man...and maybe a little 24 thrown in there too. I don't know, I love the guy who created it and all but...I don't know. I also loved LOST and ALIAS and this new J. J. Abrams show, UnderCovers (at least judging from the first episode) is a little sub par. I don't know. I need your help. Aside from the shows I already watch, what shows are you watching? Which ones are worth my time? Which ones are okay? Which ones are horrible? Leave comments, lots of comments. :)
Alright, enough of my blabbing, time to go do something constructive (and by something constructive I mean watch my daily dose of CTFxC and Wheezy Waiter and every other YouTube channel I just had to subscribe to). Peace out nerdies!
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- Breanna
- I love to write and make movies, that is what I want to spend all day, every day, doing for the rest of my life
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