Sunday, September 12, 2010

Hello world

Oh dear...I sound like Dan Brown. I have got to stop spending so much time on YouTube. Well, that's the life of an undercover nerd isn't it.

To start off, I just want to introduce myself. My name is Breanna and I am an aspiring author and youtuber. I am basically busy every day writing blogs and articles, working on my book, making youtube videos, and creating t-shirts, all the while making pretty much no money at all.

I am 22 and I live in my parents basement with a computer full of videos and stories, a bookshelf overloaded with Young Adult fiction, several drawers full of action movies, a bird cage that currently houses a sick little finch (Kiko, he seems to be doing better today, but seeing as I have to keep him warm with a room is boiling hot right now), a fish tank with three wonderful goldfish (two of them named after book characters), a bazillion stuffed animals, pokemon cards, and a bunch of useless junk that I refuse to get rid of. I am hoping to publish soon (or suddenly get a ton of subscriers on YouTube, which will be hard since I have like six separate channels floating around out there) so I can get out of the basement and move me and all my useless junk into an apartment.

I dream of getting a German shepherd and naming her Zoey (I did choose that name long before I became a CTFxCer) just so that I can call her Z in the same way that they say it in Charlie the Unicorn 2.

I have, on more than one occasion, taken video of a double rainbow and I have also recorded many of the crazy antics of my two cats.

I love Shakespeare and several Japanese anime shows like Avatar the Last Aribender (and Vampire Knight, that show has the drama of Twilight and a soap opera mixed together in almost every episode).

I spend a lot of time on YouTube (as I mentioned before) and I participate in writing role plays for The Chronicles of Ancient Darkness on The Clan.

I also wrote my own version of Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince before the book came out in which I included an American exchange student.

I listen to wizard rock and nerd bands like ALL CAPS.

When I'm not writing, reading, filming, watching movies, or catching up on my shows (Psych, White Collar, Burn Notice, Castle--duh, he's a writer which makes it ten times as awesome that he solves crime--, Chuck, Justified, etc. etc.), I am playing around with my finicky graphics tablet. Lately I have been creating a lot of t-shirts on zazzle for this blog and for other blogs and books. I've sold quite a few Hunger Games inspired shirts lately, my favorite one being the most popular (yay!) :D Zazzle is basically my only income since I don't get much from writing for (I've made a total of about $8 as an examiner this entire summer...I am no good at getting people to read my articles).

So that's me. A penniless starving artist sitting in a boiling hot basement room at her computer (with a bowl of popcorn and Justin Bieber, Taio Cruz, One Republic, and Ministry of Magic in her headphones) watching YouTube videos/blogging about things that don't really even matter to most of the world. This should be a lot of fun. Want to join me? Cool.

Lets be friends.


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I love to write and make movies, that is what I want to spend all day, every day, doing for the rest of my life
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