Thursday, October 13, 2011

Gonna Psych you out in the end

So I watched the first episode of season 6 of Psych (of course I did, don't be stupid!) and it was amazing. Thie episode had a lot going for it and the fact that Star Wars was was perfect. I think my love of this episode was really helped along by the fact that my theory about the outcome of a certain preview (posted below) turned out to be entirely correct! I am such a genius...or I'm just really good at understanding stories and their structure. All I know is that the scene was amazing as was the last shot (and the hilarious Psych out moment during the credits). I completely forgot to look for the pineapple because I was so caught up in the whole episode (as per usual). In case you didn't notice, I decided not to spoil anything here so that you could go watch it yourself. So do it. Now. Do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Until next time, this is Spencer...Shawn Spencer (no really, that's my nickname I go by with my best friend who just so happens to be Gus). :D


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