Monday, October 17, 2011

That Darn Cat

So I have been watching Nyan Cat in the spirit of Halloween as I am going to dress up as her/he/it this year. While browsing through all the different re-makes of Nyan Cat (and laughing my butt off because it's just so amazing), I came across the original .gif file and saved it. I wanted to do something with it (my own re-make) but I wasn't sure what. I was watching the picture move over and over while listening to a song from Deadmau5 when it hit me...MEOWINGTON! The cutest darn cat who just so happens to belong to Joel (Deadmau5). I recreated the image to look like Meowington and added some music notes to the rainbow to make it even more appropriate. I then put my new .gif to "Meowington enables hax" (since the image is all about Meowington after all) but I also decided to go with one of Joel's more popular tracks, "Ghosts and Stuff," for an unlisted video. You know what that means?! It means that just you guys get to see that version (unless I suddenly decide to make that one public too)! Sweet huh? So, without further ado, here is the .gif of little Meowington trailing a rainbow of music and happiness. The videos are posted below as well. Enjoy!

Meowington enables hax

Ghosts n' Stuff


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